Monday, September 7, 2020

Course Conditions (9.7.2020) UPDATES


We are currently at 1.7” of precipitation and still under a severe weather warning


We are currently at 1.5” of precipitation and still under a severe weather warning.


We are currently at 1.2” of precipitation and still under a severe weather warning.


We have received .6" of precipitation and are still under a severe weather warning.


This morning we will be preparing both courses for play on this holiday.  There is a possibility of a delay in start times due to lightning and thunder in the area, we are monitoring the weather closely.  In the event that we do miss this rain event we will continue to allow carts to cross off of both courses.

Ranges and practice area open and we suggest that golfers exercise social distancing.

There is a 65% chance of thunderstorms beginning this morning, presently there is a good deal of lightning to the north of the Club, today's high temperature will approach the mid 70s, and winds out of the southwest at 10-20 mph.


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