Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Course Conditions (4.30.19)

Good morning,
Last evening and into this morning we received .5" of precipitation, coupled with the already wet condition of the courses we will remain cart path only.  Over the last 15 days we have received 4.05" of rain.  

Today's forecast calls for temperatures in the low to mid 50s with winds out of the north at 5-10 mph, there is a 40% chance of precipitation.

We are beginning to repair cart path edges where golf carts attempt to pass other carts.  With the extraordinarily wet conditions of the course please limit any traffic, regardless of how minimal, to paths only.

Thank you,

Monday, April 29, 2019

Course Conditions (4.29.19)

Good morning,
Due to the cold temperatures and frost this morning we will be required to delay the first tee time to 8:45am.  
We are still extremely wet throughout the property and will ask that we remain cart path only, no blue flags.
Due to wet conditions the range is closed.
We will perform our range maintenance this afternoon.
Today’s forecast calls for temperatures in the mid 50s with sunny skies and rain approaching late afternoon into the evening.
Thank you,


The current temperature at 6am is 34 degrees.
There will be a delayed start due to frost.  
We will update both the pro shop and the blog regarding start times when appropriate.
Thank you,

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Course conditions (4.28.19)

Good morning,                 We will remain cart path only on both courses with no blue flags. We received another .4/inches of rain overnight bringing our total for the last 2 weeks to 3.65 inches.                  The weather calls for highs in the mid 40’s today with rain showers lingering into midmorning.                  The range will be closed today due to being unable to pick the balls.                  If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach out to me.  Thanks,  James Dobbins

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Course Conditions (4.27.19)

Good morning,
Today we will continue to be cart path only, no blue flags, yesterday we received an additional .5" of precipitation.  For the past 14 days we have received 3.25" of rain.
Today's forecast calls for a high temperature of 48 degrees with winds at 15-20 mph out of the west; we will have mostly cloudy skies.  There is another strong likelihood of precipitation (in the form of rain and/or wet snow) this evening.
We are preparing the Weiskopf Course for the MGA Memorial which will start at 8:30am; the Devlin Course will have tee times off of #1.
Considering the wet conditions of the two courses, the golf course staff has worked to present both courses in the best possible light even through difficult circumstances.
Thank you,

Friday, April 26, 2019

Course Conditions (4.26.19)

Good morning,
Last evening and into this morning we received .3" of rain; that puts our total for the past 2 weeks at 2.75".  Both courses are extremely soft and we will be forced to remain cart path only, no blue flags.  As always, we will continue to monitor playing conditions and make any necessary changes.
There is almost a certainty for rain throughout the day, totals can vary from .25"-.5", winds will be out of the west at 15-20 mph, the high temperature will be early in the day and near the mid 50s.
Thank you,

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Course conditions (4/25/19)

Good morning,We will begin today as cart path only throughout both courses. We are still extremely soft throughout the property and will continue to monitor conditions and make changes if/when applicable.   Today's forecast calls for temperatures in the low to mid 60s with winds out of the southwest at 5 mph. It appears likely that we will have wet conditions beginning tonight and going forward through tomorrow morning, rain totals could approach .75"-1". We will continue to mow out both courses ahead of any rain. Thank you, Jeffrey C. Austin Director of Agronomy Quail Hollow Country Club 11295 Quail Hollow Drive Concord, Ohio 44077 440.639.3820(office)